Through our planning process, we can help you identify what is important in your lives, and help you prioritize your goals. We become a reliable resource to help you obtain the best money values and to help you sift through the many financial offers that you will receive to determine which are helpful and which could be harmful to your financial well-being.  We help address the following financial planning issues:

Net Worth / Cash Flow / Insurance Planning

What is your current net worth? What is an estimate of your current monthly/annual spending plan?  Income and asset protection: Are your needs for life insurance, catastrophic loss due to long term care, property losses, liability issues, disability protection being covered in the best way at a competitive cost?

Debt Management

Do you have access to debt at the best available rates? Is your total debt a reasonable percentage of your assets? Is your debt tax-efficient?

Estate Planning / Charitable Giving

Does your will match your wealth transfer wishes? Are your assets titled correctly and have you set up appropriate beneficiary designations? Have you established and funded all the necessary trusts? Do you need and have a power of attorney, a health care declaration, and a living will?

Financial Independence Planning

What is your financial independence number (how much money do you need to have accumulated to be reasonably assured you won't run out of money)? How should you take distributions to be most tax efficient and get the most out of your financial independence plan?

Investment Planning

Is your asset allocation appropriate and customized? Are your investments performing comparably to their benchmarks? Were your annual contributions or distributions on target? Have you set aside enough cash for purchases to be made in the next three years? Do you have a system in place to track transactions and cost basis?

Education Funding

Do you know how much you are likely to be paying for higher education costs? Are you planning for K through 12 or higher education expenses in the most cost- and tax-efficient manner?

Coordination and Aggregation

Do you have multiple advisors consulting you on your personal finances, business, taxes, and wealth/estate planning? Would you like a personal "CFO" to help coordinate and clarify the recommendations from these advisors to better achieve your goals? Do you have multiple brokerage and retirement accounts with different custodians or financial advisors? If so, do you have the capability to view all of your investments in a single dashboard to help ensure that you are not taking on too much risk? Do you need performance reporting across your various accounts?

Personal Paradise

What money values have you developed? Do you find satisfaction in your career or activities after retirement?  Do you have passion in your life?   Are you spending time with the people you want to spend time with? Are you spending time doing the things that truly make you happy? How would you live your life differently to experience more passion and fulfillment? How do you need to manage your finances to be able to fund your ideal life?