Our investment strategies are built specifically to match your financial plan.  Starting with your goals, cash flow needs, and time-horizon, we create a customized portfolio that seeks to provide pension-like predictable cash flows and growth that will supplement your income in later years. Please click here to download a copy of our brochure.

Defined Income Portfolios

The Defined Income Portfolios take lessons from the pension world to engineer income matching portfolios that generate predictable cash flows to meet your future spending needs.

  • Matched to Cash Flow Needs
  • Protects Principal
  • Reduces Drawdown Risk

Time Targeted Growth Portfolios

Over and over again, the market has showed us that the longer you stayed invested in equities, the better chance you have of seeing higher returns.  However, most investors cannot afford to leave their equity investments in the market forever.  Given these realities, we utilize growth portfolios built using game theory algorithms that seek to improve your probability of reaching a time-based goal.

  • Seeks to Lessen the Impact of Bad Markets
  • Statistically Clusters Time Targets
  • Downside Stress Tests Global Asset Classes
  • Implements at a Low Cost

Critical Path

The Critical Path is a decision-making framework and reporting system that intuitively reflects the progress your Defined Income Portfolio and Time Targeted Growth Portfolio are making towards the goals laid out in your financial plan.

  • Client Specific Benchmarking
  • Goals-based Reporting
  • Intuitive Decision Making